[Student Impression] [English Below]
“សៀវភៅទាំងអស់សុទ្ធតែស្អាតៗ ហើយខ្ញុំពិតជាចង់យកវាទៅអាននៅផ្ទះណាស់!” 🥰
“The books look very beautiful that I really want to take them home! I can't wait to read them!”~Saipa,4th Grader, 66th Little Library 🥰
#littlelibraryproject #childrensbooks #English #Korean #books #students #impressions #education #Cambodia

[Student Impression] [English Below]
“សៀវភៅទាំងអស់សុទ្ធតែស្អាតៗ ហើយខ្ញុំពិតជាចង់យកវាទៅអាននៅផ្ទះណាស់!” 🥰
“The books look very beautiful that I really want to take them home! I can't wait to read them!”~Saipa,4th Grader, 66th Little Library 🥰
#littlelibraryproject #childrensbooks #English #Korean #books #students #impressions #education #Cambodia